Cosplayer, Filmmaker, Writer

Posts tagged “interwebs

The Cookies Were A Truth

Hey everybode!

I have had a bit of a long day today, catching up with old friends and installing my brother and his awesome ladyfriend back into their home after the Xmas shenanigans.

My VIDJABLOWG today is about food, something which is ubiquitous around and after Xmas, but one particular food gets special mention today…PORTAL COOKIES!

That’s right kids, one of my friends, some ladies known (occasionally) on the interwebs as Robyn Panda Lemonfingers and Kazmin Corkflake Flappysleeves were joining together with another awesome lady to make totally original cookies themed around the hit vidjamagames Portal and Portal II. Have a looksee:

You cannot deny that that is some tasty, tasty science being done right there, although there were sadly some icing casualites.

But there’s no sense crying over every mistake.

Spekti’s Vidjablowg 9 – Greedy Box:


Make way for film!

– Spekti Jim