Cosplayer, Filmmaker, Writer

Posts tagged “marriage

The Abstract Wedding

I write to you today from the room of the Woodlands Park Hotel in Cobham, an unexpected luxury for someone usually so frugal and unostentatious as myself.

Its lovely here and I highly recommend it for staying in and for the Wedding services they provide.

Why, you ask?

Have I suddenly got married, without any kind of build up or planning?

Well, no, sadly, although that would be rather awesome. A friend of mine is getting married- it is in fact a wedding of two brides, which is a wonderful thing both for a personal experience and a political symbol; two people allowed to have their love legally recognised without that pesky detail of gender.

It has been a lovely evening so far and I shall return to enjoy it shortly, but I’d like to share with you a bushel of images- I have not (yet) got permission to publicly post photos of the happy couple here, so instead I will pick out some more abstract and random images for your eye-gazing:

Hope that filled you with love and happiness (and the desire to get married because, in all honest, marriages are good for the economy and for videographers like me. I need that £399 paycheck goldarnit!

Here is (where my) latest vidjablowg (will be when I get back home and upload it):

Vidjablowg 6 – Detachable Penis


Make way for film!

– Spekti