Cosplayer, Filmmaker, Writer

Posts tagged “thanks

Xmas Haul Highlights

Hello everybode,

Back to my regular home, I contemplate the simple things in life: food, rest and housework. Also- good presents!
Walking back from the station last night I was able to appreciate them by weight – Britta, being sensible, had left some of her heavier presents at home, so they could be delivered later. Me, being me, had packed everything into two barely carriable bags and decided I was winning. My arms are now paying for this foolishness.

No matter, though, because they are here and I am very happy.

Usually I feel that sharing what you got in your ‘present haul’ is a little bit…indelicate. Lets not mince words, some people are better off than others, and it can sting a bit hearing that someone got an Xbox 360 and an iPhone for Xmas when you didn’t.
But I often find that the presents I like best (and I like all of them) are not the most expensive or the most ostentations, but the most thoughtful. So here are my top five this year…

Present: A fine set of DWARVEN dice
From: Some lovely friends (including a Mr. The King)
Merits: I have been without dice for far longer than a roleplayer should be, and needed a set of my own. Like everything DWARVEN MADE they are amazing and much better than anything any elf could do.

Present: A gorgeous notepad.
From: Father Xmas (My Mum)
Merits: I love love love getting notepads, their tactile qualities alone make them a favourite, and the cover of this one is just amazing, like a particulalry flashy version of the Psalms.

Present: Richard Herring’s ‘How Not To Grow Up’
From: Miss Britta
Merits: I love Mr. Herring and have already read this once since Xmas. He is a hilarious fellow and the poigniant, funny and vulgar account of the Year He Turned 40 (whilst childishly trying to fight against it) will be making me laugh possibly till my 40th birthday.

Present “The Incredibly Strange Film Book” by Jonathon Ross
From: My friend and Britta’s Brother, The Eturian
Merits: This contains an entire chapter about ‘The Tingler’ a wonderfully silly innovation in ‘4D Cinema’. ‘Nuff said.

Present: “Mary Berry’s Ultimate Cake Book”
From: My brother Ed’s lovely ladyfriend, Kanana-Banana.
Merits: This is a lovely book and will MASSIVELY assist the Cake/Walk Vodcast when it gets going.

Needless to say those things that did not make the list are still amazing and I love them all.
I really appreciate every one I got and thanks once again for all the kindness of my friends and family. Its very slightly more than I deserve.

Spekti’s Vidjablowg 11 – A Film by What Now?:


(I am currently in the process of sorting out the backlog of Vidjablowg entries, and will be updating and backdating them ASAP)

Make way for film!

– Spekti